الجمعة، 25 يناير 2013


V. Ryan © 2002

It is believed that a mechanical crane of some form was used. When the base of the pyramid was completed the remaining blocks were lifted into position by a crane made of short timbers. Blocks were lifted again by another lifting crane to the next tier and so on up the pyramid.
Were levers used to move/lift the large blocks ?
The lever in the diagram above works because the large weight of the block is balanced by the weight of the wooden crate which has been filled with stones. This means that the block can be moved or lifted by one person 'pulling' on the rope. The Egyptians may have used people rather than the stones. Once the block reached the next level it would be 'swung' into position using the lever . (Link to information on levers)
Click on the link above to view information about the three classes of lever. Using notes and diagrams, explain the class of lever used by the Egyptians to lift the sandstone blocks.
تنبيه : المرجوا عدم نسخ الموضوع بدون ذكر مصدره المرفق بالرابط المباشر للموضوع الأصلي وإسم المدونة وشكرا

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