الجمعة، 25 يناير 2013

تحميل كتاب Hibbeler Structural Analysis

السلام عليكم

اقدم لكم كتاب الانشاءات

Hibbeler Structural Analysis 8th

وهذا الكتاب اهداء لطلبة جامعة الفيوم كلية الهندسة قسم الهندسة المدنية
الكتاب مضغوط بصيغة pdf

بحثت عنه طويلا على الانترنت فوجدته والحمد لله قمت بتحميله

والان رفعته لكم لكي تستفيدو منه (لان دكتور ناهض يعتمد عليه واسئلته حلوة وغير صعبة الله يجزيه كل خير)

للتحميل الملف المضغوط هنـــــــــــــا

لاتنسونا بدعاء النجاح والتخرج


V. Ryan © 2002

The Egyptian Pyramids are colossal structures used by the ancient world for religious purposes. The largest and most remarkable of the pyramids occur in several groups  on the west side of the Nile extending for a distance of twenty five miles reaching as far as Cairo (the capital city). The are built from hard limestone and large blocks of limestone, especially on the outside surface. They date from 3000 BC to 2300 BC. Great skill was needed to quarry these large blocks, transport them  and then place them in position. The Ancient Egyptians were very well organised and they required a good understanding of technology, science and mathematics to enable them to build what has become known as one of the wonders of the ancient world.
One of the first tasks of the pyramid builders who constructed the three pyramids shown above, was to build a track on which they could drag the large blocks from the quarry in the Arabian Hills to the River Nile where they were ferried up to the construction site. The work went on in three monthly shifts with one hundred thousand men in a single shift. It took ten years to build the track It took the same number of men twenty years to complete the Cheops pyramid. Originally the pyramids were smooth on the outside but through the thousands of years since construction this has disappeared revealing the tiers or steps underneath. Each tier is about a metre in height.
The pyramids we built by kings as tombs or memorials of themselves and it is thought that they were started at the beginning of each reign and that the height corresponded with the length of each reign.
The pyramid of Cheops was originally 146 metres high and the technology for lifting the blocks into position was well designed.

1. Draw a map of Egypt and mark show the location of the city of Cairo.
2. Design a mechanical crane capable of lifting blocks similar to the ones used to build the pyramids. Remember, the Ancient Egyptians could only use human or animal power. Your design may include some form of levers and pulleys.
3. Using the internet as a resource, find information about other well known structures or buildings constructed by the Ancient Egyptians. Write an account of some of these examples.


V. Ryan © 2002

It is believed that a mechanical crane of some form was used. When the base of the pyramid was completed the remaining blocks were lifted into position by a crane made of short timbers. Blocks were lifted again by another lifting crane to the next tier and so on up the pyramid.
Were levers used to move/lift the large blocks ?
The lever in the diagram above works because the large weight of the block is balanced by the weight of the wooden crate which has been filled with stones. This means that the block can be moved or lifted by one person 'pulling' on the rope. The Egyptians may have used people rather than the stones. Once the block reached the next level it would be 'swung' into position using the lever . (Link to information on levers)
Click on the link above to view information about the three classes of lever. Using notes and diagrams, explain the class of lever used by the Egyptians to lift the sandstone blocks.

City of the Dead in Cairo, Egypt

City of the Dead

by Heba Fatteen Bizzari
One of Cairo's Cities of the dead
Like Naema Zaki and her five children have been forced to make the cemeteries in Cairos City of the Dead their permanent home because of the countrys chronic housing crisis shortage. We came to live in these cemeteries because they are inexpensive and practical for a starting point. However soon we realized that its not a temporary house and that we want to continue here these people are kind and all of us here care for each other, unlike other Cairenes. said Zaki, a widow who lives in a tomb room in the Northern Cemetery with her children.
For many Cairenes the City of the Dead is a mysterious, foreboding area. Many Cairenes are aware of its existence but few understand this group of vast cemeteries that stretches out along the base of the Moqattam Hills.
Another view of a Cairo City of the Dead
Among these cemeteries lives a community of Egypts urban poor, forming an illegal but tolerated, separate society. More than five million Egyptian live in these cemeteries, and have formed their own enterprises, said Malak Yakan, an anthropologist and tour guide.
There are five major cemeteries in this city there, the Northern Cemetery, Bab el Nasr Cemetery, the Southern Cemetery, the Cemetery of the Great, and Bab el Wazir Cemetery, said Yakan.
From the Salah Salem Highway, the City of the Dead appears to be organized and proper, a match for the beige, sandy landscape of the distant Citadel. Inside, however these cemeteries bear witness to the centuries of Cairos history.
Previously, Cairo rulers chose the area for their tombs outside the crowded city in a deserted location. This area was used as a burial ground for the Arab conquests, Fatimids, Abbasids, Ayyubids, Mamlukes, Ottomans, and many more, said Yakan.
The historic belief in Egypt is that the cemeteries are an active part of the community and not exclusively for the dead. Egyptians have not so much thought of cemeteries as a place of the dead, but rather a place where life begins. said Yakan. In modern times, because of Egypts housing crisis, a lack of satisfactory and affordable housing for a rapidly growing population, many poor Egyptians have made these rooms their permanent homes.
Walking with the dead
These invaders have adapted the rooms to meet their needs. They have used the grave markers as desks, and shelves. They have hung strings between gravestones for their laundry to dry out.
We have brought in the electricity by wires over the roofs coming from the nearby mosque to be able to be able to live properly, said Zaki.
The City of the Dead seems to its inhabitants ideal because it is already built, affordable, and partially equipped. However there are many disadvantages of living there. They are joined by even a greater number of cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, and vermin of all sorts", writes Nedoroscik in The City of the Dead, A History of Cairos Cemetery Communities.
The rooms are also filled with the overwhelming smell of the garbage piled outside their doors and sewage leaking out of the un-drained tanks.
In addition, The residents settling in the City of the Dead are insecure about their living status because they are living there against the law, said Yakan. It was the French occupation from 1978-1801 that began changing the image of the vast cemeteries of the City of the Dead.
It has brought a more westernized attitude towards cemeteries in the Egyptian society, making the presence of people living and carrying out activities in the cemeteries ignored, condemned and shamed by the majority of Cairene society, writes Nedoroscik. The cemeteries built in the City of the Dead are much different than the western idea of cemeteries. This is because traditionally, Egyptians buried their dead in room-like burial sites so they could live in them during the long mourning period of forty days.
Today, the population of the City of the Dead is growing rapidly because of rural migration and its complicated housing crisis that is getting worse.
But the future of the City of the Dead remains uncertain. The residents of the city will not deliberately agree to relocate unless the government provides other housing for them.
I will not move from this house after all these years to go out in the streets, said Zaki, Of course I want to leave the depressed mood in this place, but that doesnt mean I want to live in the street. We deserve proper houses.

Cairo, Egypt

Cairo, Egypt

View of Cairo, Egypt at night
View of Cairo Mosques in Egypt

Cairo, Egypt has always been attracting travelers, dating back over 10 centuries ago to the time of the Mamluks. However, the beautiful, hectic, crowded, surprising, enchanting (and every other cool sounding adjective) city of Cairo is still in the eyes of the Egyptians the City Victorious, known officially as al-Qahirah or simply "Masr", the name for Egypt as a whole. Cairo is one of the world's largest urban areas and offers many sites to visit. It is the administrative capital of Egypt and, close by, is almost every Egypt Pyramid, such as the Great Pyramids of Giza on the very edge of the city. There are also ancient temples, tombs, gorgeous Christian churches, magnificent Muslim monuments, and of course, the Egyptian Antiquities Museum all either within or nearby to the city.

As long as you're willing to loosen your senses and lose yourself to this majestic city, you can discover the sweetness of Cairo; the coziness of small cafes and the pleasure of strolling along narrow streets. It would be impossible to accurately describe Cairo fairly; it is truly one of a kind.

Cairo, Egypt is an amazing city full of life and movement, and it is that way almost 24 hours a day, with the noisy honking of horns, children playing in the streets and merchants selling their wears and services.

Cairo, Egypt

The city provides great culture; including art galleries and music halls, such as the Cairo Opera House, Sawy Culture Wheel, Ahmed Shawky Museum as well it should, being one of the largest cities in the world. It also provides accommodations fitting every budget from the grandest in the world, such as the Four Seasons and the Cairo Marriott to budget hotels and hostels.

When you're done with the sightseeing and morning exhaustion, embrace Cairo's incredible selection of shopping, leisure and nightlife activities. Shopping ranges from the famous Khan el-Khalili souk, (or bazaar) largely unchanged since the 14th century, to modern air-conditioned centers displaying the latest fashions. All the bounty of the East can be here. Particularly good buys are spices, perfumes, gold, silver, carpets, brass and copper-ware, leather work, glass, ceramics and mashrabiya. Try some of the famous street markets, like Wekalat al-Balaq; for fabrics, including Egyptian cotton, the Tentmakers Bazaar; for appliqu-work, Mohammed Ali Street; for musical instruments and, although you probably won't want to buy, the Camel Market makes a fascinating trip. This is, and has been for over a thousand years, truly a shopper's paradise.

Go for shisha (water pipe) in one of the old cafes on the street, you can try cool flavors like apple, coconut or even Red Bull. Get yourself a nice meal of koshari for as little as 4 pounds, and eat like a true Egyptian. Have a nice Faluka ride down the Nile, and enjoy the cool breeze glancing at the different Felucca decorations.

In a city as lively as Cairo, with diversity, culture and good-hearted people who are always willing to help, you'll never run out of things to do.

تحميل كتب إحصاء بالعربي

كتب إحصاء بالعربي

مجموعة رائعة من الكتب باللغة العربية تتناول أساسيات علم الإحصاء و تحليل البيانات بالإضافة لملفات تدريبية لشرح أشهر برنامجين إحصائيين وهما Excel و SPSS. يرجع الفضل لتجميع هذه الكتب للأستاذة فايزة الكبكبي التي أشارت للعديد من هذه الكتب ووضعت روابط تحميلهم في عدد من المنتديات ، فجزاها الله كل خير. لكن رأينا أن نضع جميع الكتب في مجلد واحد في المكتبة الرقمية المساحية المجانية –ليس من باب السرقة العلمية أو إنكار فضل أصحاب هذه الكتب- لكن فقط بهدف سهولة الوصول لكل كتب المجموعة في مجلد واحد.

المصادر الأصلية لهذه الكتب تتكون من:

1- مكتبة موقع الإحصائيون العرب:
2- المعهد العربي للتدريب و البحوث الإحصائية:
3- موقع الأستاذ الدكتور ماجد أحمد بري:
4- صفحة الإنتاج العلمي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بكلية المعلمين بجامعة الملك سعود:

الكتب الموجودة بالمجلد الجديد:

أساسيات الاحتمالات ، أ.د. خالد زهدي خواجة من المعهد العربي للتدريب و البحوث الإحصائية ، 200 صفحة ، 3.2 ميجا:

أساسيات اكسل – مع تطبيقات في الإحصاء و بحوث العمليات وعلم الإدارة ، د. عدنان ماجد عبد الرحمن بري من جامعة الملك سعود بالرياض ، 214 صفحة ، 3.5 ميجا:

طرق الحسابات الإحصائية باستخدام اكسل ، د. عدنان ماجد عبد الرحمن بري من جامعة الملك سعود بالرياض ، 474 صفحة ، 7.3 ميجا:

تحليل البيانات الإحصائية ببرنامج اكسل ، الأستاذ خالد محمد ، 27 صفحة ، 0.4 ميجا:

تحليل الانحدار الخطي المتعدد ، الأستاذ الشمري ، 20 صفحة ، 0.5 ميجا:

الرسومات البيانية باستخدام برنامج SPSS ، د. عز حسن عبد الفتاح ، 57 صفحة ، 1.4 ميجا:

تحليل البيانات باستخدام برنامج الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية SPSS ، د. هشام بركات بشر حسين ، 53 صفحة ، 6.5 ميجا:

دليلك إلي البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS الجزء الأول ، الأستاذ سعد زغلول بشير من الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء بالعراق ، 87 صفحة ، 2.4 ميجا:

دليلك إلي البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS الجزء الثاني ، الأستاذ سعد زغلول بشير من الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء بالعراق ، 87 صفحة ، 3.1 ميجا:

دليلك إلي البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS الجزء الثالث ، الأستاذ سعد زغلول بشير من الجهاز المركزي للإحصاء بالعراق ، 87 صفحة ، 4.0 ميجا:

التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام SPSS ، د. عز حسن عبد الفتاح ، 46 صفحة ، 1.5 ميجا:

عرض باوربوينت: التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام SPSS ، د. عز حسن عبد الفتاح ، 0.7 ميجا:

مقدمة في البرنامج الإحصائي باستخدام SPSS ، الأستاذ أحمد حسين بتال من جامعة الانبار بالعراق ، 45 صفحة ، 0.9 ميجا:

مقدمة في الإحصاء ، مقرر من جامعة الملك عبد العزيز بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، 103 صفحة ، 2.3 ميجا:

مقدمة في الإحصاء ، مقرر من المؤسسة العامة للتعليم الفني و التدريب المهني بالمملكة العربية السعودية، 90 صفحة ، 0.9 ميجا:

طرق التنبؤ الإحصائي – الجزء الأول ، د. عدنان ماجد عبد الرحمن بري من جامعة الملك سعود بالرياض ، 342 صفحة ، 2.6 ميجا:

التحليل الإحصائي للبيانات ، أ.د. أماني موسي محمد من جامعة القاهرة ، 137 صفحة ، 1.5 ميجا:

الدليل العملي لمقرر الإحصاء التطبيقي ، الأستاذ عماد نشوان من جامعة القدس المفتوحة ، 150 صفحة ، 2.1 ميجا:

السلاسل الزمنية ، أ.د. خالد زهدي خواجة من المعهد العربي للتدريب و البحوث الإحصائية ، 40 صفحة ، 0.4 ميجا:

ملف – 126 صفحة – يجمع محاضرات الأستاذ الدكتور مضر خليل عمر الكيلاني من جامعة ديالي بالعراق في موضوع: "الإحصاء الجغرافي" ويقدم - في صورة مبسطة و سلسله - أسس علم الإحصاء و تطبيقاته الجغرافية:

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